Eurographics Symposium of RenderingLiU


Norrk�pings Kommun


About Norrköping

Norrköping is located on the east coast of Sweden, approximately 200 km south of Stockholm.

Campus Norrköping is a part of Linköping University. It is located in the city of Norrköping along the water of Motala Ström. The mainbuilding K�kenhus, where EGSR2004 is held, used to lodge a electronic industry and before that it worked as a textile industry for over a hundred years. See map of central Norrköping.

NVIS is an interdisciplinary meeting place for researchers, students and visitors at Campus Norrköping. The studio is a part of Linköping University at Campus Norrköping and is grounded on three main areas of activity; research on computer graphics, visulization and virtual reality, education of the students in the media technology and media programs and visits by the public.


How to get here?

  • Norrköping is less than two hours away from Stockholm by train. Train traffic is operated by SJ,
    call 0771-75 75 75 for information and bookings, or go to

  • Kungsängen airport is located just outside Norrköping city. It is operated by Skyways, Waltair and Britannia. Please see for more information about flights and how to get from and to the airport.

  • Ryanair takes you to Norrköping with flights to Nyköping. Please visit for more information

    Get map of Norrköping here


    Elite Grand Hotel

    Comfort Hotel President

    Hotell Drott

    Scandic Hotel Norrkping City

    Other accomodation possibilities can be found on the
    Norrköping City Tourism website
