Eurographics Symposium of RenderingLiU


Norrk�pings Kommun


Submission procedure

Submissions for the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering are completely electronic, and both the paper and all supplementary material must be submitted through the online submission website. Submissions should be anonymous.

The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering accepts only original, unpublished work written in English.

It is mandatory to use the Eurographics LaTeX style files.

  • LaTex Style files:
  • Example pdf document: egsrSample.pdf
  • Confirmations will be sent after completing a submission, but not after only submitting an abstract. Each submitted paper must not exceed 12 pages in total.

    Please note that it is a bad idea to delay the submission until the last minute. Since EuroGraphics will publish your paper and not your additional material, please restrict additional material to a reasonable size, considering that the reviewers have to download it. If you experience long waiting times, still be patient. From our experience the submission server will be heavily loaded.

    Click here to proceed to the online submission website.

    The submission deadline has passed.

    Important deadlines

    All deadlines are midnight, Berlin time.
    Electronic abstract submission deadline: March 31st
    Electronic papers and additional electronic
    material submission deadline:
    April 2nd
    Author notification: May 14th
    Camera-ready copy deadline: June 1st
    Symposium dates: June 21st-23rd

    Late submissions

    Submissions missing the deadline will be considered with reduced priority and to the extent practical within the short review cycle. If an author wants to submit a relevant paper that was not accepted for the EuroGraphics or SIGGRAPH conference, the author should notify the co-chairs as soon as possible, revise the paper according to the reviews, and submit the revised paper along with an accurate summary of the changes and the complete original reviews.

    Reviews accompanying a paper should be submitted as zipped text files in the additional material/multimedia section.